The Prime Minister of India, as addressed to in the Constitution of India — Prime Minister for the Union, is the chief of government, chief advisor to the President of India, head of the Council of Ministers and the leader of the majority party in parliament. The Prime Minister leads the executive branch of the Government of India.
The prime minister is the senior member of cabinet in the executive branch of government in a parliamentary system. The prime minister selects and can dismiss other members of the cabinet; allocates posts to members within the Government; is the presiding member and chairman of the cabinet and is responsible for bringing proposal of legislation. The resignation or death of the Prime Minister dissolves the cabinet.
By Article 75 of the constitution of India, remuneration of the prime minister as well as other ministers are to be decided by the Parliament[14] and is renewed from time to time. The original remuneration for prime minister and other ministers were specified in the Part B of the second schedule of the constitution of India, which was later removed by an amendment.
Salary in 2009 - 100,000 (US$1,995)
Salary in 2010 135,000 (US$2,693.25)
• Salary: Rs. 50,000
• Sumptuary Allowances: Rs. 3,000
• D. A.: Rs. 62,000
• Constituency Allowances: Rs. 20,000
Hence, currently the Prime Minister of India is getting Rs. 1, 35,000 (One lakh and thirty five thousand) per month.